Tuesday 10 July 2012

Property Rights in Divorce

Marriage is considered as the most beautiful period of life. The married couple like to spend time together and take important decision of life together. Most couple buy property considering that it would help to strengthen their bond. After divorce, the same property adds more trouble to the couples life. Getting divorced is a troublesome period of life. You need to deal with legal aspects that you do not understand.

Property distribution is confusing and you might end up loosing your hard-earned property, if you do not take essential step to mention your property details appropriately. The property division rules are different in every state which are explained here www.edivorcepapers.com. Hence, you need to understand the division of property in the county, where you are filing the divorce.

There are major two types of properties, the marital property and the non-marital property. The property that is purchased by the couple after marriage is considered as marital property. The property that is gained by the person as gift or through inheritance is considered as non-marital property. The non-marital property can be considered as marital property, if it was used by the couple during the period they were married. Some states considered equitable property distribution. Equitable does not mean equal. The court considers the contribution and use of property by the individuals and divides the property between them. If the non-marital property is not used during the marital period by the couple, then as per the property rights the spouse who owns the property can keep it.

The non-marital property should not be wrongly mentioned under the property co-owned by the couple. The property divorce rules and regulations should be understood by the couple filing for divorce.

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